
Stable Conversion to Holiday home - near Falmouth
From barns to houses, to flats from restaurants, we bring a creative approach to the challenge of finding new uses for old buildings.
Whether it is converting large houses to flats and apartments, cafes to homes, stables and workshops to holiday accommodation, or offices to residential.
If you have a building that needs re-thinking, give us a call. We may be able to help you convert it to your advantage.

Listed Barn conversion - near Camborne
Obtaining change of use will be necessary and it may well be that we suggest a Pre-Application enquiry to identify just what the Planning Authority will allow. We’ll also advise on the economic viability of your proposal.

Cafe conversion to dwelling
- St Agnes
John Chapman’s experience in property development can help you identify development opportunities that an architect might sometimes miss.
Working for almost ten years in commercial property development he was involved in retail, office and industrial redevelopment nationwide.
His experience in this field includes negotiating planning permissions, monitoring the design concept, instructing the design team and marketing the finished product.